Starting as a new Kids Director or Pastor is a thrilling yet demanding journey. With Fresh Labs Initiate, you have a roadmap for success. Here's a comprehensive guide for your first 90 days, filled with insights and examples.
1. Assessing the Landscape: Understanding Your Current Situation
Inventory: A new Kids Director in a mid-sized church took stock of existing resources, identifying gaps in the volunteer team, and launched a recruitment drive that revitalized the ministry.
2. Embracing the Legacy: Learning from Your Kidmin and Church's History
Adjustments: A Pastor studied past successes and failures, reviving a once-popular family outreach program, and made necessary adjustments to avoid previous mistakes.
3. Aligning with the Vision: Connecting with Your Church Leadership's Goals
Goals Alignment: A Kids Director worked closely with senior leadership to align the children's programs with the church's mission, leading to a successful community service initiative.
4. Building Bridges: Engaging with Volunteers and Parents
Relationships: Hosting monthly potluck dinners, a new Kids Director fostered trust and collaboration with parents and volunteers, strengthening the Kids Ministry team.
5. Crafting Success: Your 30-60-90 Day Action Plan
Strategic Planning: A Pastor created a phased 90-day plan focusing on volunteer training, curriculum enhancement, and family engagement, resulting in a strong foundation for growth.
6. Leading with Heart: Embracing Your Spiritual Role in the Ministry
Spiritual Leadership: A Kids Director introduced weekly devotionals for volunteers, nurturing spiritual growth, and creating a sense of shared purpose.
7. Safety Considerations: Ensuring a Secure Environment
Safety Protocols: A Kids Director in a large urban church implemented clear safety policies, including check-in and checkout processes, ensuring a secure and welcoming environment for children and families.
8. Inspiring Hope: Sharing the Gospel and Celebrating Faith
Faith Focus: Emphasizing the hope of Jesus, a Pastor ensured engaging lessons and scripture memorization, transforming the ministry from a mere fun center to a place of spiritual growth.
Conclusion: Embarking on a New Chapter with Fresh Labs Initiate
Your first 90 days as a Kids Director or Pastor are filled with opportunities to set a positive course. By thoughtfully assessing, embracing history, aligning visions, building relationships, planning strategically, leading spiritually, ensuring safety, and inspiring hope, you lay the groundwork for a thriving Kids Ministry.
In one church, these principles led to a revitalized Kids Ministry that became a beacon of community engagement and spiritual growth. With Fresh Labs Initiate, you have the tools and support to make your first 90 days a resounding success.